Fostering Hope,
Strengthening Connection

Virginia Arrington is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC)
in downtown Columbia, South Carolina.

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Photo of Virginia Arrington

Virginia Arrington, LPC

Virginia knows how challenging life can be at times, whether mood related, disconnection within a relationship, or an overwhelming circumstance. She focuses on facilitating deeper emotional connection with the self and within relationships that heals wounds and creates new options for engaging. Based on attachment theory, she understands the innate need in all of us to connect, be comforted, and offer comfort to others.

Virginia has advanced training in Emotionally Focused Therapy and is currently pursuing full certification in this modality. She enjoys working with individuals, couples, and families in her practice.

Virginia holds an Education Specialist degree in Marriage, Couples, & Family Counseling from the University of South Carolina and is a Licensed Professional Counselor. She is also a Nationally Certified Counselor.

What is emotionally focused therapy? You can read more about this approach on the International Centre for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy (ICEEFT) website.


Virginia Arrington Counseling Services, LLC has the following rates:

  • $130 - Individual Session
  • $150 - Couple Session

All credit cards, checks, HSA, or exact cash are accepting for payment.


Virginia Arrington Counseling Services, LLC is not in network with insurance companies. Virginia is happy to provide clients with detailed documentation, called superbills, regarding counseling services rendered. Clients can then choose to submit their superbills to their appropriate insurance carrier for possible out of network reimbursement.


Virginia's office is conveniently located in downtown Columbia, South Carolina to serve clients across the midlands.

Virginia Arrington Counseling Services, LLC
3014 Devine St, Suite 201
Columbia, SC 29205

Request an Appointment with Virginia.

Glad you are here! Please fill out the information below and Virginia will get back to you as soon as she can. Or you can call and leave a message at 803-999-4774.

Are you experiencing an emergency?

Please go to your nearest emergency room or call one of the following hotlines:

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

Columbia Suicde Hotline
(803) 790-4357 (HELP)

Your Life Matters!